Welcome, Curious Stranger - I'm so pleased you've found me.

I invite you to join my world and get into some trouble with me! Tête-à-tête between tousled sheets, verbal foreplay over cocktails at my favorite little spot downtown, or setting off into the night and painting the town red - regardless of how we spend our time together, it'll be anything but ordinary.

One of my greatest pleasures is introducing people to new experiences. So where do you come in? Tell me something uncommon about yourself, let go, and we'll craft an adventure to remember together.

Take my hand, and let me lead you down a path less traveled.

My story starts similarly to other young art students. I moved to the big city with stars in my eyes and a camera around my neck -- and promptly dropped out of art school to actually pursue the arts rather than just talking theory. I've taken that hands-on approach to the rest of my life, too - and I consider the indulgence of hedonistic delights to be an art form.

I lead a charmed life that could be described as Bohemian. You'll just as soon find me hosting an adult dinner party in New York or New Orleans as you will traipsing through the woods on a backpacking trip or exhibiting my provocative photography at a gallery opening in Copenhagen.

Described as intuitive, passionate and kind, I consider myself a curator of authentic connections and unique experiences. I want to learn what makes you tick; and to share time with you that will leave us both invigorated, inspired and craving more of each other.

Until we meet,


